
Jumping Joe is a 2D Platformer with a goal to reach greater heights by jumping. The game's soundtrack was produced by monoh and some of the assets were created by 0x72. Make sure to have WebGL turn on for your preferred browser to play the game imbedded on the webpage.

How To Play:

To control Joe, use the arrow keys and space bar to jump. Joe can jump no more than twice so make sure to use this mechanic to the fullest. The goal of each level is to climb to the top and touch the crate to be teleported to the next level. However, avoid the demons that are protecting the crate as they eat you if you touch them. There is no mechanic to attack the demons so avoid them to pass to the next level. There are five levels in total. Good Luck!

Installation Instructions:

You can play the game at the very top of the page, but you can also download it onto your computer and play it. For Windows, just download the file and extract it. Once extracted, double click the executable called "Practice.exe." For Mac, just extract the file and double click on the application


Jumping Joe Windows 37 MB
Jumping Joe Mac 46 MB

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